How Alternative Therapies for Addiction Can Aid Recovery
Private integrated rehabs in Thailand and around the globe often have a philosophy in treating the “whole person” and not just the symptoms. Individualized care may be provided and include alternative therapies for addiction. These are also referred to as “complimentary”, “holistic” or “integrative” therapies. An addiction treatment program may include massage, yoga, meditation, art therapy, neurofeedback and psychodrama; all of which would be considered as alternative therapies.
These will add to the overall quality of the rehab program ultimately increasing the chances of a whole recovery from the addiction. The reason these therapies are called “alternative” is because there may or may not be solid scientific evidence which proves that they work. Whereas, traditional therapies like counselling and group sessions do have the data to back their claims up. Even so, the majority of rehabs, traditional therapists, psychologists and medical doctors do believe alternative therapies for addiction can be of a great assistance throughout the stages of recovery, but in combination with proven approaches.
What is Complementary Addiction Treatment?
Complimentary or alternative addiction treatment is a type of treatment that takes the “whole person” into consideration. This includes the body, the mind, the spirit and the emotions. By approaching each of these, the individual will be able to find a balance or wholeness between each of these important life aspects.

Alternative practitioners will follow the principals in that a person is made up of a collective of different physical, emotional, mental and spiritual parts. When one is not functioning or blocked, all other parts that make up the whole being will be affected. This can ultimately affect their health and wellbeing. They also believe that the body can heal itself; however, there is no quick fix. Healing from an addiction and finding a healthy balance takes time.
In the case of rehab programmes, alternative therapies for addiction can aid in the drug and alcohol detoxification, reduce stress, manage pain and restore physical and mental health. Coupling these complementary therapies with traditional therapies and a professional treatment plan, the chances of a recovery beyond the initial phase significantly increases.
Types of Alternative Therapies for Addiction at Rehabs
When you’re reviewing rehab programs, you will see a number of different complimentary therapies which help to effectively treat addictions.
Some of these are as follows:
1. Art Therapy
Art therapy, also called as visual art therapy, uses are variety of different art forms and the creative process to explore feelings, work through inner conflicts, gain self awareness, develop social skills, decrease stress and anxiety, manage cravings, identify triggers an improve self esteem.
2. Creative Writing
Even though many people in a recovery program want to change their lives, they may not be ready to open up and divulge to others about their problems. Creative writing therapy will give people the opportunity to have a personal conversation with their self. Stories, poetry, doodles and collages can allow a person to discover thoughts or feelings which, although subconsciously there, they did not know they had. Creative writing can also help a person to think objectively, or to see the whole picture in a more clear and concise matter.
3. Massage
As scientific research shows, massage therapy can help to decrease stress, boost endorphins, reduce agitation and increase positivity. These feelings and sensations can help to promote further healing with the rest of the rehab program.
4. Meditation
Also known as mindfulness, this form of alternative therapy can improve mental clarity and concentration. Anxiety, depression, guilt and fear can be decreased while a sense of restorative balance and inner peace can be felt. Meditation will help recovering addicts to connect with their inner self and discover who they really are. This focus enables the ability to find awareness in emotions, thoughts, and sensations without judgment.
5. Healthy Eating
Often this is forgotten at rehab centers. However, healthy eating can be considered an alternative therapy. Actually, learning what foods to eat on a regular basis will help to boost the immune system (which is often damaged), replenish the body with vitamins and minerals, repair cells and feel better.
6. Yoga
Yoga has been used as a discipline and therapy for thousands of years. Through postures, breath work and mediation, yoga will help a person to connect the physical self with the spiritual or inner self. It will help to calm and clear the mind, build strength and bring an emotional balance to the body. It also will increase blood flow which will flush a buildup of toxins out of the body.
How Integrating Alternative Therapies for Addiction Can Help
An integrated program of alternative and traditional therapies can empower a person. It can show them that sobriety and recovery is possible and absolutely attainable. Moreover, it can remind them they are in control of their health, wellbeing and life. This can be a vital discovery and will help with finding the right answers to the confusion of questions and issues which so many addicts have.
It must be noted that alternative therapies for addiction is not a replacement for tried and tested therapies like counseling etc. Alternative therapies for addiction should be coupled with evidence-based and scientific approaches into a combined rehab treatment in order to give addicts the best chance at recovery. You should certainly shy away from rehabs that offer only alternative therapies for addiction.
Going to Rehab in Thailand
At Siam Rehab we’ve been integrating alternative therapies for addiction into our treatment programmes for years. If you would like to know more about our drug and alcohol treatment programs, please contact us online or call us.
Read about other alternative therapies in rehab treatment: