Our Approach Overview

Siam Rehab offers an alternative program that does not involve the spirituality central to 12-step programs. Instead, our program focuses more on individual therapy, fitness focus, skill-building, and personal empowerment, allowing clients to find their own path to recovery.

Non-12-Step Treatment with Fitness Focus

Our Non-12-Step Treatment Program with a Fitness Focus is an addiction rehabilitation approach that does not adhere to the traditional 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or similar programs. Instead, it emphasizes physical fitness and exercise as key components of recovery.

This unique approach integrates a fitness-focused methodology alongside a non-12-step framework. We believe in the power of physical health as a critical component of addiction recovery. By combining traditional treatment methods with a strong emphasis on physical fitness, clients engage in various activities such as:

Clients playing basketball on Siam Rehab basketball court indicating Siam Rehab's non-12-step treatment approach with fitness focus
Counsellor with client on swinging bench on Siam Rehab lawn signifying Siam Rehab's evidence-based treatment approach

Siam Rehab Evidence-Based Approach

An evidence-based approach in rehabilitation refers to the utilisation of treatment methods and practices grounded in scientific research, proven to be effective. In addition to our group counselling and 1-to-1 counselling, we also employ methods validated through rigorous studies, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy or Motivational Interviewing
  • Relapse Prevention Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Each of these therapies at Siam Rehab is designed to address the multifaceted nature of addiction and mental health, offering a comprehensive path to recovery. By prioritising evidence-based strategies, we offer a higher chance of successful recovery and long-term sobriety for our clients.

Siam Rehab Holistic Treatment Approach

The Holistic Treatment Approach is a therapeutic philosophy that considers the individual as a sum of interconnected parts: mind, body, and spirit. Rather than addressing addiction as an isolated issue, this approach acknowledges the profound impact addiction has on every aspect of a person’s life. It seeks to heal not only the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying causes, providing a comprehensive pathway to recovery.

Key Components of Our Holistic Approach:

We aim to empower our clients to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives, long after they leave our care.

Client sketching at table during creative therapy indicating Siam Rehab's Holistic treatment approach

We’re Here to Help You Get Started on the Path to Recovery.

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