Answering a Difficult Question Honestly
I’ll just have one more weekend of cocaine binging; this is my last night of drinking; I’m going to tough things out on my own; I’ll stay inside my room for a week, that’s all the help I need. These statements are all too common from people with an addiction. If you or a loved one abuses drugs or alcohol, take a minute to think about whether or not you’ve said something similar, because this type of behaviour is an unhealthy pattern which can easily cause you to get mixed in the loop that is addiction. It can be challenging, confusing and even debilitating, so as an important exercise ask yourself, “do I need rehab?”.
According to SAMHSA’s 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, just ten per cent of people with a dependence or addiction sought treatment. Many people deny rehab because they have not hit “rock bottom” or they believe their addiction isn’t bad enough. In truth, if you are asking yourself, “do I need rehab?”, or wondering whether or not you need help to get sober, you almost certainly do. This is especially true for anyone with an addiction to heroin, opiates/opioids, benzodiazepines, and alcohol. Bear in mind quitting on your own can not only be uncomfortable, but also life threatening. You should not attempt to do so without professional medical attention.
It is difficult to take an objective viewpoint and admit that you have a problem. If any drug or alcohol is causing harm to your life or to those around you, it may be the time to come to terms with the fact that you may need help and should go to rehab. The following 7 signs will help you answer the question: “Do I need rehab?”

1. You feel terrible whenever you’re not drinking or using
Withdrawal symptoms are bound to occur if you have been using drugs or alcohol for long periods of time and then suddenly quit. These can seem to come out of nowhere and be incredibly unpleasant. In many instances, the withdrawal symptoms are what keep addicts using and unable to quit on their own.
2. You have no motivation to do anything else
When you’re battling an addiction to any substance, the willingness to do anything but look forward to the next drink, line, or hit could be all too common. As an addiction takes hold, the motivation to do any non-using activities becomes less and less.
3. Your state of health is in a serious decline
Whether you’re drinking too much alcohol, abusing prescription medications or using illegal drugs, your immunity and overall physical health has most likely suffered. Vital organs such as the liver and kidneys may be damaged, the heart may be struggling to efficiently work and the bodies’ cells may be laden with toxins. These health consequences can lead to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, liver disease and stroke. And if they’ve led to asking the question, “Do I need rehab?”, the answer is yes.
4. You have lost your job and/or a relationship
Substance abuse can put severe strain on all types of relationships. Friends, family and co-workers may cut you out of their life to preserve their mental and emotional health. Job loss can result after you’ve called in too many times, came into work hungover, and out of it. This can lead you to feeling alone and in with a plethora of financial issues.
5. You keep trying to quit, but relapse every time you do
You may have tried to quit on your own only to have found yourself back using in no time at all. This relapse could be a result of the inability to get away from using buddies, the unpleasant withdrawal or the intense cravings which you don’t know how to control. A rehab will be able to show you how to cope with these things and help you to solve the underlying issues which are causing them.
6. You’ve been to outpatient rehab, group sessions and/or therapy for addiction
You may know you have an addiction to drugs or alcohol and have tried to get help without going to an inpatient rehab. Meetings, group therapy, private counselling or even outpatient rehab are all treatment options which can help; however, they are not always enough. If you have underlying mental health issues, regularly relapse or feel like you need a better controlled environment, an inpatient rehab may be more ideal.
All in all, going to a rehab anywhere in the world can be a big change that comes with a number of mixed emotions. Even so, this decision is one that will take you on a new, healthier path in life. It is one you will not regret.
7. Your friends or family members are not acknowledging your addiction
Perhaps when wondering, “do I need rehab?” or “do I have an addiction”, people around you are telling you “you’re fine.” If so, you might want to ask yourself:
- Do these people use drugs or alcohol? If this is true, they might be telling you this to avoid losing a friendship, but oftentimes, these people will also have an addiction. By admitting that you have a problem, the may also be subconsciously admit they also have a problem.
- Are you hiding your use from them? If you find that you’ve concealed all or some of your drug and alcohol use from your friends and loved ones, when broaching the subject of rehab they might tell you things like, “no, I would have noticed” or “are you sure you’re not overreacting?”. Use this opportunity to be honest about the situation and be sure to ask for their continued support.
- Are you feeling uncomfortable about opening up to them? Perhaps you feel as if you don’t have the kind of relationship that encourages an openness or honesty. You might be scared about ruining the relationship. If this is true, it is best to go with your instinct of getting help for an addiction. You can then decide what to do after treatment for an addiction.
Additional Signs that You Need Rehab
Here are some extra indicators which may help answer the question, “do I need rehab?”. If you identify with even 2 or 3 of the following in conjunction with abusing drugs or alcohol, please consider speaking to us:
- You drink or use and drive
- You engage in risky behaviours during your drinking or using
- Loved ones have expressed their concerns
- You have health issues related to your use
- You lie about reducing your consumption or usage
- You are having financial problems because of your use
- You are having legal problems as a result of your use
- When you stop, you go through a withdrawal
- You’ve tried to stop, but you cannot
- You have injured yourself or another
- You want to stop, but are unsure how
- You are asking, “do I need rehab?”
Which is right for me – outpatient or inpatient?
If you answer “yes” the question, “do I need rehab”, then it’s time to look at your options. Inpatient and outpatient rehabs are both good, but each has their pros and cons. Neither one is better than the other is; it really just depends on your needs.
An inpatient rehab will give you safety and structure. This can be vital to newly sober people who struggle with abstinence in the beginning phases of recovery. These intensive 24/7 programs encourage you to discover what may be hurting you on the inside and then show you how to overcome these problems. You’ll learn all about addiction and healthy coping strategies while be provided with optimal round the clock support.
Outpatient rehab treatment is not at intense as inpatient rehab. In general, you will attend the program for a certain amount of hours every day and then go home. You can still take care of family, go to work or study while undergoing addiction treatment. By remaining in the same environment you can put recovery tools in place immediately; however, it also means you will have to be very self disciplined.
Going to Rehab in Thailand
Only recently has the ability to travel abroad for an addiction become possible. For many addicts and their families this has been life saving. Now more than ever, the options of getting help for an addiction are vaster than ever. Low cost flights, easy access to international countries like Thailand and free or affordable visas means foreign rehabs are something everyone should consider.
In Thailand, private rehabs like ours incorporate an eclectic range of therapies. While there are small allotments in the day considered to be free time, the individual’s time will primarily be spent at a therapeutic session, meeting or other designed activity.
Thailand is home to a leading drug and alcohol addiction facility which is equipped with western trained staff, serene private grounds and the most effective up-to-date programs. If you would like to know more about Siam Rehabs’ addiction treatment programs, please contact us today.
Read more about when it’s time to quit: