An Overview of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Launceston
The North Tasmanian town of Launceston seems to attract a great deal of drug dealers with trafficking stories being reported frequently over the past few years. With regards to heavy drinking, there doesn’t seem to be too much going on although there have been a couple of alcohol-related incidents in the news. Despite being a small town, the local police seem to be doing a great job at enforcing anti-drug and alcohol laws. There is however a lack of rehab facilities available for those who need help with addiction or substance abuse.
Drugs in the Launceston Area
One defining factor of Launceston in the news is that there have been plenty of major drug seizures occurring in this rural town over the past few years. The Examiner wrote of a bust in July 2018 where more than $500,000 of ice, ecstasy, heroin and cannabis were confiscated from a number of local homes.
In another story, ABC News wrote that $200,000 worth of speed, $130,000 in cash and a handgun were found in a Launceston hotel room. This happened in June 2014 and four men were arrested. In December 2014, there was another bust with The Advocate writing about a man arrested for the possession of over $570,000 worth of drugs. More than 650 grams of ice were seized along with morphine and some prescription drugs.
In one final case, ABC News wrote of a woman arrested trying to traffic more than $500,000 worth of ice through Launceston Airport in October 2014. She was stopped on arrival with over half a kilogram of the drug strapped to her body.

Alcohol Consumption in Launceston
Harmful incidents related to alcohol in Launceston are less frequent then those related to drugs. Nonetheless, there have been a few awful occurrences where people got hurt or died. The ABC News wrote of one case where a 71 year old lost control of his Porsche while turning a bend outside of the city. His car slammed into a tree, killing him instantly. He had a BAC reading of 0.012 at the time.
Another drink driving case involved a Launceston male colliding with a pickup truck. The woman driver of the utility vehicle was killed after the impact. ABC News wrote that the man was charged with manslaughter, driving without headlights and speeding, all of which he denied. He admitted to driving while intoxicated and evading the police however.
Additionally, the ABC News wrote about four men who got into a brawl at the Mowbray Hotel in Launceston. Two of them were charged with causing grievous bodily harm and assault. One of the victims later died in hospital from his injuries. The judge was quoted as saying that alcohol was involved in the incident
Public Rehab Choices in Launceston
As it is a smaller town, Launceston doesn’t have a wide choice of government-funded treatment facilities for those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. The only option is the Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS) found on Mulgrave Street next to Launceston General Hospital. Patients can get a variety of support including inpatient withdrawal management, an opioid pharmacotherapy program, a psychosocial interventions program and more.
With regards to the other rehab alternatives in the region, some of these are lacking funding with several having to close in the past. The ABC News reported that most addicts stay in the acute wards and beds at Launceston general, a move which puts further stress on the already full hospital including elective surgery and emergency admissions.
Alternative Support for Launceston Locals
With limited options, it’s not unusual for those dependent on drugs or alcohol to seek assistance outside of Launceston. There are many private centres around Australia, unfortunately many of them are not affordable for the average person.
Fortunately there are also overseas options like the one hosting this article. With all Western counsellors you can get the same or better treatment then at home and with fees that you can afford.