UK residence are welcome and we are half the price of anything remotely equivalent in the UK or anywhere else.
Chelmsford, Essex Substance Misuse
As a middle to upper class city of 168,000, Chelmsford, Essex is on the London Commuter Line and just 30 minutes to the city centre. Many of the residents are over the age of 25 and commute to the business district in London. The town is known for its shopping and vibrant nightlife. Although drug and alcohol use is lower than other parts of the country, it is a growing problem. Concerns have been raised that Chelmsford, like other parts of Essex, will eventually be targeted by gangs and drug traffickers who will bring in heroin and cocaine to the area, via the public transportation. The increase of drug use, in particular legal highs (although now illegal), has already occured in the Chelmsford prisons. Whether or not this will affect the public is unknown, but it is likely.
Due to Chelmsford, Essex being such a short distance from London, many people from the city take weekend trips to the area. Chelmsford is known for their abundance in bars, nightclubs, and wineries. According to the available data, there are over 12,000 alcohol dependent people living in Essex. Binge drinking in Chelmsford is popular with younger people; whereas, moderate to high risk drinking is more common in those who are above 30 years of age. Many high risk drinkers are high functioning alcoholics who hold positions in financial institutions and corporate offices in London.

Rehab and Addiction Treatment in Chelmsford
In Chelmsford, Essex, drug and alcohol misuse and dependency is become more frequent. Not only is this true for Chelmsford, or Essex, but the UK as a whole. This is one of the primary reasons the NHS is struggling to deal with situation in an effective manner.
A majority of clinics funded by the NHS are understaffed, overwhelmed, and dealing with a budget that is not enough to help everyone who needs it. Although you can get residential treatment from the NHS, the waiting list is often between 2 and 4 weeks or more. In the case of a drug or alcohol addiction, it must be dealt with as quickly as possible. Waiting a few weeks is often not possible.
The most ideal solution to this problem is to attend a private residential rehab. Chelmsford does not have any private rehabs within the city, but there is at least one within 20 km. Sanctuary Lodge is a private rehab Chelmsford men and women might consider. Their programmes are comparable to the national average of private care and may cost between £12,000 and £25,000 or more.
If these high costs are a deterrent to you getting help, you may want to consider the local harm reduction services. Many of these services offer therapy, counselling, detoxification, and other forms of treatment.
Harm Reduction Services in Chelmsford
CHOICES – Chelmsford – Also known as Open Road, CHOICES, is a drug and alcohol support and recovery service that offers a safe, non judgemental environment for dependent people and their family members.
Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service – Essex
– An organisation for people under the age of 18 who may have a problem with drugs or alcohol, or is affected by someone close to them who has an addiction.
Alcoholics Anonymous – AA meetings are frequent in Chelmsford with at least one every day. Some are open and others closed. There are female only meetings for anyone who would prefer to be in a group of the same gender.
Narcotics Anonymous – At least one NA meeting is available in Chelmsford. If you are unable to make this meeting, you can attend AA meetings as an alternative option.
An International Rehab Chelmsford Men and Women Can Recover At
If you’re in Chelmsford and looking for a rehab, but wish to recover in a place that is away from any potential triggers or environments you are used to, consider Siam Rehab. Located in Thailand, our private rehab offers comfort and quality care away from the daily life that you are used to. When you come to our rehab in Thailand, you will be welcomed by our supported, trained and certified English speaking staff. Your programme will include the most effective treatments including one to one therapy, group sessions, art therapy, fitness, meditation, equine therapy, and more. You will have the opportunity to focus entirely on your well being without any distractions. Throughout your time with us, we will be there to give you the attention and support you need.
To learn more about our Thailand rehab, Chelmsford residents are encouraged to call us for a free and confidential consultation.