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Drug Rehab Winnipeg Centers Overview
Here is a list of some Alcohol & Drug Rehab Winnipeg centers. I am not endorsing or recommending any of them as I have not visited or reviewed the programs with the exception of looking at their websites where they have one. Also please note I do not generally write the description of the programs, descriptions are taken from the centers websites or marketing materials.
This list of Alcohol & Drug Rehab Winnipeg centers is for information purposes only and to give you a starting point when you are looking for help with your addiction issues.
If you operate an Alcohol or Drug Rehab Winnipeg center and would like to be listed here let us know via the contact us page and we will get it up there.
Drug Rehab Winnipeg Centers
James Toal Center Winnipeg, MB Phone: 204-944-6200 Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Men in Winnipeg
- Intensive Residential/Day Program: offers 28-day residential treatment for adult men, with individual and group sessions
- Non-Residential Program: Initial session is an Orientation group, followed by evening group sessions over 10-weeks, with ongoing counselling available upon completion
- Medical Unit: provides medical and psychology services on-site but is not equipped for detox purposes.
Tamarack Recovery Centre Winnipeg, MB Fax: 204-772-9908 Our 60 day program requires that clients are free from drugs and alcohol at least 28 days before they start. We understand that meeting this requirement may be a challenge and so we offer an extended 78 day program, which clients can begin after 10 days abstinence. We’ll help you through those early days so that by the time you graduate the program you will have achieved at least 88 days of recovery time–an excellent foundation to build on.

Anchorage Program The Salvation Army Winnipeg, MB Phone: 204-946-9401 The Anchorage Program is committed to providing a variety of services to persons affected by addiction(s), including persons who also have mental health concerns. The aim of the program is to facilitate personal development, mental wellness, and the achievement of a lifestyle free of addiction.
Admission Criteria:
- Adult men and women seeking help for their dependence on alcohol, drugs & gambling.
- Must admit to having a problem with alcohol, drugs or gambling that they cannot control on their own
- Must be abstinent for 5 days prior to entering program
- Clients with mental health concerns must be stabilized on medication therapy
- Must qualify for Social Assistance or be willing to pay for entry into the program
- Methadone users must make arrangements to obtain their methadone off site.
Addiction Recovery Winnipeg, MB Phone: (204)586-2550 Addictions Recovery Inc. is a registered non-profit organization that offers a safe, affordable, supportive, alcohol and drug free living environment for men in early recovery (post-treatment) from drug and alcohol dependency. A.R.I. operates two recovery homes in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where clients are able to develop the living and social skills necessary for a successful long term return to their communities in recovery.
Main Street Project, Inc. Winnipeg, MB Phone: (204) 982-8260 The MSP Detoxification Units are committed to laying a foundation of trust and partnership with an individual on their journey whether it is to reduce the harm with what, how, or how much they are using or providing support towards lasting recovery. The primary goals of this unit are to provide clients in substance use withdrawal with 24 hour support in a safe and stable environment, and to facilitate awareness and access to available services of value to the individual client following detoxification.
United Gospel Mission Winnipeg, MB Phone: (204)-943-9904 UGM has a residence program for men who are trapped, finding themselves enslaved in various addictions – alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, etc. This Resident New Life In Christ program is designed to run anywhere from 6 to 12 months, and its purpose is to lead men out of bondage and into the freedom that Jesus Christ offers.
We can accommodate up to 25 men in this program. Along with the Bible classes that we offer, arrangements are also made for the men to participate in other recovery programs, such as Overcomers (onsite) and Finding Freedom (offsite). We also assist them in connecting with local Bible-based Churches.
United Gospel Mission Charis Centre Winnipeg, MB Phone: (204)-415-3934 ext. 504 30 DAY PROGRAM – Initially women may come to Charis Centre to explore a Christ-centered recovery approach in the 30 Day Program. This program offers a well-rounded approach that includes classes on addictions and recovery issues. After completion of the 30 Day Program women are encouraged to move to the long term Heart Recovery Program.
Teen Challenge Winnipeg Winnipeg, MB Phone: (204) 949-9484 Teen Challenge offers a dynamic training and discipleship program that includes academics, counselling, life-skills training, work detail, recreation, spiritual disciplines and more. It is an intense, structured program that seeks to break addictions and help develop men & woman of excellence.
A minimum of 12-months in length, the Teen Challenge program is broken up into two main phases: Induction and Training. We operate recovery centres out of Brandon (Woman), Winnipeg, Denare Beach and Thunder Bay.
Support Group Contact Info in Winnipeg
Every Monday, 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Jeff Fletcher, Facilitator
Phone: +1 902-789-2430
AA Winnipeg 1856 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0G9 Phone: 942-012 Toll-Free: 1-877-942-0126 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
- The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
- There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
- A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. It does not wish to engage in any controversy. It neither endorses nor opposes any causes.
- Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
NA Winnipeg (204) 981-1730 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a “nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem”. Narcotics Anonymous uses a traditional 12-step model that has been expanded and developed for people with varied substance abuse issues and it is the second-largest 12-step organization.
These are the drug rehab Winnipeg centers that I was able to find, if you operate or work for another and would like it listed here please get in contact via the Contact Us page and send me the information, I would be happy to get it up there.
Again just to repeat my disclaimer from above I am not endorsing or recommending any drug rehab Winnipeg centers since I have never visited or assessed the centers. This is just the results from my online searching.
Also here is a large list of other Manitoba Drug Rehab Centers that we recently put together as this one is only Winnipeg proper and there are a considerable amount more services in Manitoba that are on that list.