About Eastleigh, Hampshire Drug and Alcohol Treatment
The complexity of addiction is so comprehensive that it often takes the assistance of an alcohol and drug rehab in Eastleigh, Hampshire, or afar, to help a person break free of their dependency. Failure to get treatment can result in a broad range of consequences including mental health problems, liver disease, heart disease, cognitive impairment, financial losses, social issues, and death.
The longer you or a loved one waits to get addiction treatment in Eastleigh, Hampshire, or elsewhere, the more you may be at risk for the aforementioned effects. Furthermore, you may experience very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms; therefore, will require intensive detoxification and rehab treatment. The sooner you get help, the easier it may be to recover, rebuild relationships, and start a new life.
Siam Rehab: A Renowned Rehab for Eastleigh, Hampshire Residents Who Prefer to Go Abroad for Treatment
Siam Rehab is a leading detoxification and rehabilitation centre that boasts en suite accommodations situated on more than 30 acres of well manicured gardens that are completely private and outside of the city. We are equipped with highly trained and skilled psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, therapists, social workers, nurses, and other addiction specialists. We will help you to understand why you started using and highlight practical techniques that can assist in relapse prevention and aftercare. Our Thailand alcohol and drug rehab will prepare you for abstinence while allowing you to get out of your normal environment that may have contributed to your addiction.
If you would like to learn more about Siam Rehab, Eastleigh, Hampshire men and women can call +44 20 8638 6773.
Drug and Alcohol Use in Eastleigh, Hampshire
Alcohol and drug use in Eastleigh, Hampshire is increasing, along with the national trend. Statistics directly related to Eastleigh, Hampshire are unavailable; however, there is data for Southampton, one of the nearby towns. It is safe to assume that because drug and alcohol use and dependency is considerable in Southampton, it is also likely a concern in Eastleigh.
It is believed that at least 17,000 people living in Southampton took an illicit drug between 2015 and 2016. Cannabis is the preferred drug of choice; however, opiates, crack-cocaine, cocaine, and prescription medications are also popular. An estimated 1,647 Southampton residents are addicted to heroin or crack cocaine and a further 636 inject drugs. Drug related deaths in the area are slightly higher than the national average, but not significantly.
In terms of alcohol use, between 2013 and 2015, at least 78 people in Southampton died because of alcohol misuse; this equates to 13.5 deaths per 100,000 which is lower than the surrounding cities. Approximately 30,000 men and women in Southampton consume alcohol at risky levels; another 10,000 people are doing so at levels that carry significant risks of mental and physical health problems. Between 2015/16 and 2016/17, there was a 19 % decrease in alcohol related addiction treatment in Southampton even though alcohol dependency has risen.
In Jul7 2017, the NHS services for substance misuse cut their funding by 14 %, and this may be reflected in the growing concerns of alcohol and drug dependent people.
Getting Help for An Addiction in Eastleigh, Hampshire/Southampton
If you are ready to get help for an addiction in Eastleigh, Hampshire, you will have a few different options, including:
Public Healthcare – Anyone ready to get help from an addiction in Eastleigh, Hampshire will be able to access free treatment through the NHS. The waiting time is approximately3 weeks, and you will be offered detoxification as well as inpatient or outpatient services depending on the severity of your addiction. Although the treatment includes various therapies, it will likely not be as comprehensive as that of a private facility.
Private Rehab – This will be the preferred method of treatment as it offers better staff to patient ratios, more attention, individualised treatment, and comfort. In Eastleigh, Hampshire private rehabs can be accessed in the nearby towns, across England, and outside of the country. The cost will vary depending on the programme features, amenities, and location. A general beginning price is £5500 for 28 days.
Charities and Organisations – For those who cannot go to rehab, perhaps because of work or family obligations, or who would like extra support, there are a limited number of organisations in Eastleigh, Hampshire area.
Inclusion – Eastleigh – A service offering support and advice, intervention counselling, structured treatment programmes, and psychosocial help.
Parent Support Link – A service for parents (and siblings) of children who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
CGL – Southampton Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service – Single point of access for people living in Eastleigh, and who are ready to get help for an addiction.
Going to Rehab Outside of the UK for Treatment
For many people, going to a rehab in the UK is too costly or too close to home. Others prefer to go somewhere completely new, different, and to a place that offers inspiration – of which can be beneficial to their recovery. If you can relate to this, going to rehab abroad may best for you. Siam Rehab is located in Chiang Rai, Thailand and can be accessed in less than one day’s flight. If you would like to know more about our inpatient, confidential drug and alcohol rehab, Eastleigh, Hampshire, and those in Southampton, can call +44 20 8638 6773.