Utilizing Exercise in Addiction Recovery
It is no secret that exercise can boost a person’s mood and release various feel good chemicals in the brain. For many people in recovery, an active lifestyle does even more than that. Exercise, or regular activity, can give people an outlet and something to work towards. Private rehabs will often incorporate a variety of exercise regimes into their programs to ensure every patient gets the most out of treatment. Starting exercise in addiction recovery, particularly as soon as rehab begins, will help a person to prepare for the journey ahead. Their physical body will become healthier while their mental and emotional wellbeing balances.
Although exercise is often the last activity on a newly sober person’s mind, exercise in addiction recovery can become an integral part of sobriety. If you’re not much of a “fitness buff”, or never exercised at all, and are ready to embark on a healthier journey, consider these benefits of exercising during rehab. Following are some reasons to consider incorporating more exercise into your recovery.
Exercise Can Strengthen the Effects of Recovery
Over the last decade, private rehabs have taken the initiative by exploring a variety of alternative therapies to treat addiction. Included in these new techniques is exercise. This is in part to forthcoming research suggesting exercise in combination with counselling and support groups can strengthen the effects of rehab and recovery.
1. Doing Regular Exercise Improves Self Esteem
It’s common for addicts to have low self esteem and lack the confidence they need to maintain sobriety. If these feelings are not addressed, there is a greater risk of running into future problems which can hinder the recovery process. Self esteem is related to a range of positive qualities such as life satisfaction, adaptability, social behaviours and resilience to stress. It’s an important aspect to a persons’ mental health and will have an impact in the quality of life.

Researchers have been able to link physical activity to feelings of accomplishment, increased confidence and improved self esteem. Thus exercise in addiction recovery is a vital tool on the journey towards sobriety. Even just 20 minutes a day of vigorous exercise can heighten a person’s mood and help them feel good about themself.
2. Exercise Releases Endorphins and Reduces Stress
It’s inevitable that there will be times of a crisis. A person may feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the surge of emotions like stress. Exercise in addiction recovery allows individuals to realize the powerful anti-stress benefits of being active.
In the case of a drug or alcohol addiction, the individual essentially chases the “high”. These cravings can be the very thing that causes an addiction to linger on and even a core reason for a person to seek the help of a rehab. In recovery the body will crave a release of endorphins, or the chemicals which lead the high. Intense exercises which induce sweat will release the same endorphins as well as endocannabinoids. This combination, according to research by A Dietrich, W F McDaniel, promotes changes in the mental status of a person. These include relaxation, alleviation of pain and a better sense of wellbeing.
The chemical release from exercise in addiction recovery will help a person cope with their addiction treatment and overall daily life during and after rehab. After the program, physical activity can become the greatest tool to reduce stress in what may seem like an uncontrollable environment. At the same time, it’s a proactive recovery technique.
3. Exercise Increases Serotonin in the Brain
Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that plays a big role in the regulation of the mood. For those who struggle with depression and mood swings, they often struggle with low levels of serotonin. As a rehab in Thailand, we have known of many clients who have turned to drinking or drug use as a coping mechanism.

Through research, it has been proven that exercise in addiction recovery can increase serotonin levels in the brain. It should be understood that you do not need to engage in heavy weightlifting, for example, to see these benefits. Brisk walking, yoga, running, swimming, or any other form of activity can be particularly beneficial. The days that it may feel the most difficult are often those days in which you need it most. No matter how difficult it might be to get moving, do your very best to get active in some way or another. You will feel better!
4. Exercise Can Induce a Sound Sleep
It’s well known that addiction and withdrawal can disrupt the bodies many processes which include the natural, biological rhythms humans are accustomed to. When disrupted, the ability to fall or stay asleep without drugs can seem nearly impossible. Once in recovery at rehab, the body will return to a balanced state. To speed up this process, exercise in addiction recovery will aid in the ability to get a good night’s sleep. With this rest, the body also is able to increase the overall healing process.
5. Exercise Helps You Avoid Isolation
If you are in recovery, you may know how risky isolating yourself can be. Isolation can cause an eruption of negative thoughts. In some cases, it can lead to a relapse. Exercise in addiction recovery keeps you busy and will distract you from letting your mind get lost in too much thinking. Whether you are going to a gym, exercise class, or for a run outdoors, there is a chance you will be around other people.

While you don’t have to interact with these people, there is something to be said about being around the presence of others who are also engaging in activity. It is also possible that you will forge friendships with people who are the same path. In doing so, you may develop a larger support system that includes a network of positive people.
6. Exercise Relieves Boredom and Anxiety
Rehab programs are intense; leaving small gaps of free time for writing, resting or reflecting. However, once home, it can be easy for a person to feel bored or anxious leading to stressful thoughts and daydreaming about using. Exercise in addiction recovery fills up time and eliminates these potentially negative thoughts. Eventually, as physical activity becomes included in a daily regime, the individual will feel more as if they’re living in the present with a boost of energy, better mood and clearer thinking.
For anyone who feels as if there is a void to fill in life, exercise in addiction recovery can be a perfect solution. The best part of exercise is that it comes in many forms, such as:
- Running
- Biking
- Swimming
- CrossFit
- Weight Lifting
- Boxing
- Martial Arts
- Dance
- Pilates
- + More
If you get bored with one type of exercise, move onto another one. The most important thing is that you are remaining active every day. Remember, it is certainly possible that you will try one form and not like it. Much like recovery, it may take some time to find what is right for you, and keeps you going on the path of sobriety.
7. Exercise Alleviates Anger
Some recovering men or women will have difficulties in dealing with emotions like anger, rage and frustration. Expressing these in a healthy, positive way can prove to be a challenge, especially if they’ve never tried. The physiologist, Nathaniel Thom, says exercise has a “prophylactic effect” against the buildup of anger. Regular exercise in addiction recovery offers an outlet to express anger and its related emotions in a healthier, more conducive way to recovery. Running, walking, weight lifting, hitting a punching bag or swimming are various types of exercise which can better control anger.

8. Exercise is Good for Overall Health
Any form of physical activity will help to ward of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancers and various mental health disorders. It will also increase nerve connections in the brain which aid in any cognitive impairment which was a result of the substance abuse. Reversing health problems significantly improves quality of life and thus impacts the overall success of long term sobriety.
Incorporating Exercise into Your Daily Life
Perhaps you have not ever exercised, or haven’t done so in ages. Whether you’ve been to rehab and neglected physical activity upon returning home, or are just trying to better your overall health, anything is better than nothing. Consider starting small. Try going for a 15 or 20 minute morning or evening walk every day; notice how you feel before and after. If you like to write in a recovery journal, jot down your thoughts and feelings. Considering working out with a loved one or friend too. This can be a great way to repair damaged relationships and grow stronger, long lasting bonds.
It’s important to remember not to get lost into the obsession of exercise. All too often, a person becomes caught up on the number of kilometers they walked or amount of weights they lifted. Any failed expectations can cause disappointment, anger and confidence problems. Realistically, it’s not about how long or how much, but rather about how YOU feel.
Siam Rehab in Chiang Rai Takes Exercise Seriously
As a leading drug and alcohol rehab in Thailand, Siam Rehab puts an emphasis on exercise during addiction treatment. Throughout the week, men and women will be encouraged to participate in walks, group exercise, gym workouts, Thai boxing, yoga and spinning classes. Guided by a personal trainer and supported by a professional team, individuals will start to feel mentally, emotionally and physically better. Ultimately, balance will be restored and the road to recovery will look brighter than ever!
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction and want to learn more about Siam Rehab and how we incorporate exercise into our programs, please contact us online today.
Read more about exercise and recovery here: