UK residence are welcome and we are half the price of anything remotely equivalent in UK or anywhere else. Programme is conducted all in English.
About Harlow, Essex Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Both high risk substance abuse (including alcohol consumption) and dependency can cause serious problems and impact the physical and mental health of a person. Addiction is also linked to a broad range of issues including depression, memory loss, cancer, and suicide.
In Harlow, Essex, residential rehab can be accessed through public healthcare or privately. By choosing to go to an inpatient rehab you can feel peace of mind in knowing that you will be in a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment. You will also be given access to 24/7 medical care and know that your withdrawal symptoms will be monitored and eased. Finding the right rehab in Harlow, Essex, or afar, will take some time. However, it is the right choice.
Electing not to get treatment now will almost certainly result in a progression of your addiction. There is no better time than now to go to an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment centre in Essex, the UK, or even Thailand. Siam Rehab is considered to be one of the leading rehabs in Thailand. It is also popular amongst UK men and women, and is known for its affordable programmes, amenities, and quality of care. Although rehab treatment is very important, you are not limited to staying in Harlow. You can go anywhere, especially when you are able to afford the fees or have some sort of coverage.
At Siam Rehab, we will seek to help you uncover and address deep-seated reasons for your using or drinking. This is done through support, guidance, and trust. Rest assured you will be in good hands. In addition to counselling and therapy, you will be encouraged to participate in group sessions, equine-assisted therapy, fitness and exercise, meditation, and more. The unique combination of science based and complementary therapies ensure a finite balance between the mind and body are met; therefore, you will feel better inside and out.

Addiction and High Risk Substance Use in Harlow, Essex
Like other areas of the UK, Essex has had a significant increase in drug and alcohol consumption. Crack-cocaine, heroin, and benzodiazepine use is particularly high in the borough. Recent data is unavailable, but in 2013, before the drug epidemic, there were 2049 adult men and women being treated for a crack or opiate addiction in Essex. Of these, 252 were from Harlow. The total number of people being treated for any substance addiction was 2820 with 320 being from Harlow. In terms of alcohol dependence, there were 1393 adults being treated in Essex and 472 of them were from Harlow.
As drug use continues throughout Essex, there are concerns about how to address the growing problem. Only recently, in July 2019, 5 people lost their lives to a Class A drug, or mixture of drugs, within a 36 hour period. Although funding to increase government services has been given, there are budget cuts in other areas that do affect resources for addiction treatment.
Your Addiction Treatment Options in Harlow, Essex
If you are ready to get help for an addiction in Harlow, Essex, you can choose to go through the NHS or private facilities. Due to the high amount of people in need of treatment in Essex, the waiting times to access public care can be up to 8 weeks, but may be less. Only those who are considered to have a severe addiction will likely be provided with inpatient care; the remainder of people may be offered a hospital detoxification and outpatient treatment, or limited inpatient care.
Harm Reduction Services
CHOICES – Harlow – A free addiction service in Harlow that offers psychological interventions, harm reduction, and counselling.
Passmores House – A recovery community for people over 18. Detoxification, support, stabilisation services, and rehab can be accessed.
Are You Ready to Take the First Step?
Whether you are living in Harlow, Essex, other parts of Essex, or anywhere else in the UK, if you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction, help is available. Call Siam Rehab to learn more about our affordable rehab abroad in Thailand.
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