About Hartlepool County Durham Rehab
Although the council has made an effort to curb the over consumption of alcohol, as well as, illegal drug use, little progress has been made. Whether this is due to decreases in the NHS budget for addiction treatment, social or economic hardships, or behavioural factors, the rates of misuse and dependency are staggering.
For many living with an addiction in Hartlepool County Durham rehab treatment will be the best way to recover from drug or alcohol dependency. Unfortunately, the north-east of England has limited resources and requires men and women to wait for several weeks before they can access public health care. If you’re in this situation and looking for an immediate solution for addiction treatment, going to a private rehab in Thailand may be in your best interest.
To learn more about Siam Rehab, an alcohol and drug rehab in Thailand, please give us a call now. Or visit our contact page. We will be happy to explain our individualised programme details to you and discuss our affordable fees.
Drug and Alcohol Use in Hartlepool, County Durham
In County Durham, there are an estimated 2,186 opiate addicted people and a further 526 crack-cocaine addicts. Nearly 62 % of the opiate users are injecting the drugs making them at a higher risk for developing blood borne illnesses and infection. There is no other data available for substance use in the area; however, amphetamines, cocaine, and ecstasy are widely used drugs. Hospital related admissions for drug related problems remain at an all time high; most of these patients are between 30 and 34 years of age.

Hartlepool has one of the highest rates of drug related deaths and alcohol related liver disease in the North East. One local volunteer says “There’s a live fast, die young attitude around here – everyone seems to have stopped caring,” Sadly, this kind of mindset is leading a number of people to turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of escape. Although the council has stated they will be reshaping the current drug and alcohol treatment programmes in Hartlepool, County Durham, men, women, and children as young as 12 continue to struggle with addiction.
Going to a Hartlepool County Durham Rehab
If you are struggling with an addiction, you should understand that a Hartlepool County Durham rehab programme for drug and alcohol abuse will provide you with the best opportunity of a long lasting recovery.
In Hartlepool, County Durham, public and private addiction treatment is available. Depending on your needs, circumstances, and ability to pay, will largely depend on the type of rehab you will want to seek out. For example, public Hartlepool County Durham rehabs are free of charge. You will be provided with a community or inpatient hospital detoxification followed by various types of care depending on the severity of your addiction. As a part of the NHS, you can expect a waiting time of 3-8 weeks. Apart from potentially being unable to access immediate addiction treatment in Hartlepool, the downside to public healthcare is the limited resources and individualised attention; both of which are very important.
The alternative to public healthcare is going to a private Hartlepool County Durham rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. These facilities will be able to offer comprehensive care and should be adequately staffed so you are given sufficient attention each and every day, or whenever you might need it. Private rehabs will require you to pay out of pocket or have private insurance coverage. The cost of a 28 day programme will usually start at six thousand pounds.
In the event that you are unable to go to any Hartlepool County Durham rehab, there are free organisations in the area. These are ideal for people who have work or family obligations, as well as, those who are waiting to access treatment or have recently completed a programme.
Addaction – Hartlepool Action Recovery Team – Also known as HART, this is a well known service that provides treatment programmes, diversion programmes, assertive outreach, counselling, complementary therapies, and more.
Parents In Need Of Support – A well rounded service for parents who have a child or family member that is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Home visits, support, intervention advice, counselling, drug awareness services, and confidential services are offered.
CGL – Peterlee – Change Grow Live is a well known organisation that offers advice, support, harm reduction programmes, community detoxification, and counselling.
Siam Rehab: An Alternative Rehab to Costly UK programmes
Whether you cannot afford the high cost of a rehab in the UK, would like to be able to attend a rehab programme for more than one month without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars, or would prefer to get out of your normal environment, we, at Siam Rehab, can help you. As one of the leading drug and alcohol rehabs in Thailand, we are recognised for our comprehensive programmes, highly trained, English speaking staff, and serene facility. To learn more about Siam Rehab, one of the best Thailand rehabs, call us today.
Read about rehabs in other towns in County Durham here:
https://democracy.durham.gov.uk/documents/s46485/Drug %20Strategy %202014-17 %202.pdf