About High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centre
If you have been affected by a drug addiction or alcohol dependency, and you are living in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, rehab is an option. Due to your close proximity to London, there are several options available to you; these include a private rehab, as well as, NHS funded treatment. However, the costs associated with a private UK rehab, and the waiting times that are all too common with the free treatment might be an obstacle for you.
Regardless of what the reason might be for you to not want to go to rehab in the UK, we at Siam Rehab, would like you to know that there are alternatives. As a leading international rehab in Thailand, Siam Rehab has successfully treatment men and women from the UK, and who were struggling with a drug and alcohol dependency. We understand what you’re going through and would like to invite you to learn more about our Thailand alcohol and drug rehab.
If you’re living in or around High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, private drug and alcohol rehab treatment is a phone call away. Call Siam Rehab now at +44 20 8638 6773.
Alcohol and Drug Use in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
In High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, alcohol misuse and dependency is similar to the national average. Unfortunately there is no data specifically available for High Wycombe; therefore, the proceeding statistics are those associated with the whole of Buckinghamshire. According to medical doctors and addiction specialists, the local data is similar to that of the county data.
In Buckinghamshire, approximately 19.2 percent of the population engaging in binge drinking. This number is a part of the 106,700 adults who are thought to be at-risk drinkers which is made up of 24,700 high risk drinkers who consume at minimum of 50 units of alcohol per week; 82,000 increasing risk drinkers and 296,000 low risk drinkers.
Each year, the NHS spends over £3m on alcohol related hospital admissions. The rates are strongly associated with less affluent residents, as well as, injuries with secondary specified alcohol related causes. Alcohol liver disease, cardiovascular problems, and cancer are common illnesses diagnosed in people who are problem drinkers. Sadly, a large number of the alcohol-dependent population will be forced to wait weeks or even months before they can get treatment at an NHS-funded High Wycombe alcohol rehab.
Buckinghamshire, although an affluent English county and boasting a higher life expectancy than the national average, has pockets of extreme deprivation that affects the wellbeing of a great deal of the population. Although the area fares better in terms of alcohol consumption, when compared to the national average, there is still a significant amount of detrimental health concerns for those who are affected by dependency. The same can be said for drug misuse and addiction in the area.
According to the most recent data, about 25,000 people use illegal drugs in Buckinghamshire. Although use is widespread, dependency tends to be concentrated. For example, opiate dependency in Buckinghamshire affects 1,248 men and women between the ages of 15 and 64. This equates to 3.83 per 1,000 people and is lower than the South Eastern and National average. Drug misuse in High Wycombe is thought to be similar to the nearby areas, and county as a whole. It is known that cannabis, powdered cocaine, steroids, ecstasy, and opiates are popular drugs of choice amongst the adolescent and adult population.
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire Rehab for Drugs and Alcohol
If you are ready to go to a rehab in High Wycombe, you might feel unsure about where to seek treatment. First and foremost it is important to understand there are two options: free NHS treatment and private rehab. The former is advantageous in that you will not have to pay anything; however, because it is funded by the NHS, you can expect limited one-to-one attention, as well as, a waiting list that can vary from two weeks to two months or more.
One Recovery Bucks is High Wycombe’s drug and alcohol service funded by the NHS and organisations. It is a free service that provides a broad range of support aimed to reduce your alcohol or drug use and improve your health. The service also refers their clients to inpatient rehabs and outpatient therapy programmes.
Talking Therapies is an NHS service intended to support the residents of Berkshire and the nearby areas, such as High Wycombe. The organisation provides therapy and counselling services for those who struggle with an addiction, depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Workshops and groups are also available.
Local support for addiction is limited and may require you to travel to Maidenhead or Reading. You can view all of the nearby organisations at Talk To Frank.
If you are interested in going to a support group, High Wycombe does offer local Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings. These are held each week and free to attend. The only requirement is that you seek to live a sober life. Based on the 12 steps, AA and NA is an invaluable recovery tool during and after your treatment programme.
Should you be interested in a private rehab in High Wycombe, there are several options to choose from. Each of these facilities offer integrative therapies, as well as, various amenities depending on the standard of the rehab. The benefit of a private rehab is the level of care you can recieve, the immediate availability of the care, and the extensive treatment options that may be included in the programme. Due to the facility being private, you can expect to pay between 800 and 3,000 GBP per week at a High Wycombe rehab for addiction.
Have You Thought About Going Abroad for Addiction Treatment?
Today, thanks to affordable and fast flights, as well as, advances in technology and medicine, more UK citizens with an addiction are choosing to go abroad for help. This is not only because rehab is cheaper outside of the UK, but it also enables them to get out of their normal environment and away from everything that may trigger cravings.
Siam Rehab is one of Thailand’s leading drug and alcohol rehab centres. Located in Chiang Rai, Thailand, Siam Rehab is a place you can find serenity and safety as you are guided through the process of recovery. Our English speaking, and highly skilled, team of staff is well versed in treating addictions to alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications. We have created an effective programme that integrates western and eastern medicine, and can be modified to suit your own needs.
If you are looking for a High Wycombe rehab centre, consider going to Thailand for treatment. To learn more about our affordable, comprehensive programmes, call Siam Rehab.
Buckinghamshire Alcohol Strategy
https://democracy.buckscc.gov.uk/documents/s2253/Alcohol %20Strategy %2024092007 %20Cabinet.pdf
Buckinghamshire Drug Strategy