Methamphetamine Cravings
You need to be prepared to crush these cravings when they do come, and to be aware of the potential risk factors even after they have warded off. Meth cravings might leave you alone for many days, weeks, or even months. During these times, you should make the most of your sobriety. However, you should know that you can have cravings at any time, anywhere, and even well after going to a rehab for meth.
Tips to Stop Methamphetamine Cravings
To help you maintain your sobriety from a meth addiction, consider these tips and advice regarding cravings for meth.
Remember What You Have to Lose
When a craving for ICE (meth) hits you, remember how great your new life can be a challenge. The cravings may be so distracting that you struggle to focus on anything – regardless of how positive it might be. This is normal. The best thing you can do is to plan ahead. During your time at a meth rehab, you may be encouraged to make a list of the things that your recovery has brought forth. For example, you might feel physically better, are emotionally balanced, have become a better parent, friend, or partner. Perhaps you have begun to save money or are now planning a vacation. Recovery can bring about all kinds of benefits. Think about what your recovery has done for you and write it down. Carry this list everywhere you go, and when you have a craving for meth, pull it out and look at it.

Learn How to Manage Your Stress
Stress is one of the most powerful triggers for an addiction to any drugs, including methamphetamine. There are a number of factors, including individual, biological, and social factors that can impact the course of recovery. Stress is one of these aggravating factors. When you are stressed, you become more vulnerable; thus, increasing your risk for relapsing. It is important to manage your stress levels. This can be done by utilising various tools and techniques you learned at a methamphetamine rehab in Thailand, such as Siam Rehab. Deep breathing, walking, exercise, or yoga may help you to relax your mind and body. You might also benefit from talking with a sober support friend, a counselor, or another person you can trust.
Learn How to Manage Your Emotions
Stress is not the only emotion that can elevate methamphetamine cravings. Rather, any emotion can trigger a desire to use meth. By learning how to recognise, feel, experience, and process all kinds of emotions, you can ward of your ICE cravings. Your meth rehab therapist and treatment team will help you to do this. Others getting help at your rehab might also offer advice and strategies that can help you to manage your emotions.
Know How to Distract Yourself
Recovery from a methamphetamine addiction will tend to ask you to face various stressor, emotions, and troubling situations. This is inevitable. While you might be equipped with the right tools and techniques to cope with these challenges, sometimes things might be so overwhelming in the moment that you’re unable to utilise these resources. If you find yourself in a situation like this, try to distract yourself. The more time and distance you put between yourself and the feeling that is making you want to use, the more you will begin to feel better. The Association for Psychological Science asks individuals to “disengage at an early state” so that the power, or force, of the feelings can help you to curb and ward off our cravings. Distractions can be anything from going for a walk, calling a good friend, engaging in an activity, reading, and so forth. You may want to create a list of all the possible distractions that work for you. Have it available for whenever you might need it.
Seek Help from Others
You are not alone in your recovery. You can reach out to other people whenever you are having a craving for methamphetamine. If you have already gone to a meth rehab, you might consider calling your peers from treatment, a counsellor, or your nearest support group. In the event that you have relapsed and would like to get help at a rehab for meth in Thailand, call Siam Rehab.
Source: Science Direct