Overcoming Obstacles You May Face During an Addiction
We all face obstacles in life. Some are rather small and easy to overcome like the need to exercise and hydrate more often to avoid the effects of obesity or dehydration. In the case of addiction, obstacles can be the very things that cause a person to get setback in recovery. They can appear before, during and after rehab and lead to feelings of helplessness, discouragement and despair. It’s important to not only be able to identify obstacles, but also understand various ways to build a bridge over them. By doing so, an addiction can be treated and a healthy recovery can blossom. The following obstacles are the most common ones men and women endure before going to an addiction rehab.
Being in Denial
At some point or another, an addict will be in denial about their drug or alcohol abuse. They may feel like there is no problem or that a “legitimate” reason for their using exists. Denial can be the very culprit which perpetuates an addiction and leads to a destructive force so strong that without the assistance of a rehab, recovery will be very challenging. Once a person is willing to accept there is a problem, treatment becomes very possible.
Living with a Co-dependent
Co-dependency is frequent amongst addicts living with a spouse, parent, sibling or close friend who also abuses drugs or alcohol. Women tend to be more affected by an enabler, but both sexes can encounter the obstacle. What happens in the case of co-dependency is one individual was often the initial user and persuaded the other person to use with them. This leads to both people developing an addiction. If a time comes in which one person wants to get help, they may not do so because of fearing that the relationship will be harmed.
Struggling with Multiple Disorders
Co-occurring addictions, or disorders, affect approximately 1 in 2 addicts. Also known as dual diagnosis, the addict may be unable to recognize underlying issues like depression, PTSD or bipolar disorder. Likewise, an addiction to a medication may be ignored in favor of a noticeable addiction to alcohol. One will affect the other; hence both need to be identified, addressed and treated at the same time. Feelings of Guilt and Shame
Unfortunately the stigma of addiction makes it very difficult for a lot of people to talk about what they’re going through. Keeping these feelings inside can provoke shame and guilt leading to a social withdrawal and isolation. This obstacle can get in the way of a person asking for help because they don’t want to be judged and further these already troubling emotions. There is no shame in addiction. It is something that can happen – even unexpectedly. Help and support is available.
Enabling an Addiction
It’s very common for the spouse, parent, loved one or friend to believe they are helping an addict, when in fact they are actually enabling them. Enabling happens when a loved one calls in sick for the addict, gives them money to buy more drugs or pays their bills that they cannot afford to pay. Like covering for someone, these actions are typically made with good intentions; however, they’re causing the addiction to grow. Telling an enabler to stop is much easier said than done. They only want the best for the abuser, but at some point they have to step back, look at the situation and say “this is enough”.
The Cost of Rehab
Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles of addiction and recovery is the cost of rehab. In the United States, Australia and U.K., private rehab centers can be upwards of $20,000 a month or more. Without insurance, very few people can attend these facilities. Public rehabs, or state-funded, have the best intentions, but are often over-crowded or do not have the staff to provided the necessary individual attention. In Thailand, addiction rehabs, like Siam Rehab, are much more affordable without sacrificing quality and care.
Ready for Change?
With determination, motivation and support, any obstacle can be overcome. This includes addiction. If you have an addiction and realize you need help, you can go to rehab. Here, you will be provided with the utmost respect and support. You will learn about addiction, recovery and aftercare while being taught various practical tools to confront future challenges head on.
In a safe environment, you will be away from distractions and potential situations which could lead you astray