A Solution to Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Oxford

If you are looking for an Oxford, Oxfordshire rehab to overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol, you are in the right place. With knowledgeable support and a willingness to put an end to your substance misuse, there are effective treatments that can help you to get through phase. Even if you are concerned about the withdrawal symptoms, we, at Siam Rehab, want you to understand that they can be managed appropriately so you feel the least amount of discomfort. Ultimately, what you should know is that an addiction can be treated.

As a private rehab, Siam Rehab offers affordable addiction treatment Oxford residents can count on. For more information, please call us now.

Drug and Alcohol Use in Oxford, Oxfordshire

In Oxford, drug and alcohol use fall below the national average. According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 27 known drug related deaths in Oxford between 2014 and 2016. This is around 6.5 deaths per 100,000 people. Heroin is the choice Class A drug of use followed by methadone and cocaine.

Substance misuse workers claim alcohol misuse is soaring and having a disastrous effect on younger people between the ages of 25 and 35 in particular. Alcohol related hospital admissions and deaths are comparable to the national average of 610 people per 100,000.

Police are working to tackle the drug and alcohol misuse as well as the related crime and gang activity.

Oxford Drug and Alcohol Treatment

In Oxford, Oxfordshire, like the rest of the UK, does suffer from drug and alcohol misuse. If you believe you are one of these people, the first step towards a healthy recovery is to acknowledge you have a problem.

Once you have done so, you can feel confident in knowing there are recovery services and rehabs in Oxford. These range from charity organisations and NHS programmes to private rehab centres. Support groups that can assist in sustaining your recovery and fight cravings that may flare up after your treatment are also readily available.

The nearest private rehab in Oxford, Oxfordshire is just over 20 miles away. Although a 28 day residential programme can offer you support and knowledge, the cost of attending one in the UK can range from £5000 – £8000 or more depending on the services you require.

Free/NHS Addiction Treatment in Oxfordshire

Turning Point Oxfordshire – Roads to Recovery – A country wide support service that helps anyone who is struggling with a drug or alcohol problem.

Oxford, Oxfordshire Addiction Support Groups

Addiction support groups are available in Oxford and can help you to focus on your recovery. They may also assist you if you’re waiting to enter a rehab programme. particularly an NHS funded one. These groups can act as the backbone to recovery and offer a valuable resource, especially if you ever feel like you are on the verge of a relapse.

Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held throughout the week in Oxford, Oxfordshire.

Siam Rehab: A Rehab for Oxford Residents

Siam Rehab is one of the most comprehensive rehab centres in Thailand. We offer superb care and an outstanding staff to client ratio to ensure everyone gets adequate support and attention. As a rehab based in Thailand, our private programme is accessible to Oxford residents who could benefit from getting out of their normal environment and away from any potential triggers.

Siam Rehab will provide you with a serene and safe environment that is conducive to a healthy recovery. We offer incredible space that facilitates relaxation while at the same time enables you to participate in a broad range of activities that will compliment your recovery.

Our rehab programmes are all inclusive and considerably more affordable than those in Oxford. In less than 24 hours, you can begin your recovery in a new, beautiful environment nestled in the lush mountains of Chiang Rai, Thailand.

If you are ready to take the first steps towards sobriety, consider Siam Rehab. Oxford men and women are encouraged to call us for a free and confidential consultation.


  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/content/articles/2006/04/25/alcohol.shtml
  2. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/16088770.shocking-use-of-hard-drugs-in-broad-daylight-needs-to-be-tackled-in-city-centre/
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/sep/07/county-lines-illegal-drug-trade-trafficking-oxfordshire
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