If you are looking for a rehab consider Siam Rehab in Thailand, programmes are all in English by Western Professionals and the fees are less then half what you would pay at a private UK treatment centre.
About Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Eventually, the effects of a drug or alcohol addiction will not be able to go unnoticed. The physical, psychological, and behavioural signs are obvious and can take its toll on the individual, as well as, their family members and friends.
At this time it is unknown what causes an addiction, but what is clear is that it can be characterised by lack of control, depression, PTSD, trauma, low self esteem, frequent medication usage, violent tendencies, social pressure, stress, and so forth. Generally, a person will struggle with a combination of these things.
Contrary to what you might think, feel, or have been told, you don’t have to wait until things take their turn for the worst. You don’t have to hit “rock bottom” As one of the best rehabs in Thailand, Siam Rehab has helped hundreds of UK residents to get their lives back on track. If you are living in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, private rehabs are costly; however, by choosing to go abroad for treatment, you can receive a high level of care and support for an affordable fee.
To learn more about our drug and alcohol treatment centre, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset men and women can call Siam Rehab.
Drug and Alcohol Use in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset
It is safe to say that no part of the UK is free from alcoholism and drug abuse. However, some areas are experiencing a worsening rate of dependency than others. In Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, drug and alcohol use and addiction has remained relatively stable. That being said, data is limited and slightly outdated. Until the UK Office for National Statistics releases new data, the following information will be utilised. Bare in mind this information pertains to North Somerset as a whole and is not directly in relation to Weston-Super-Mare (as this is unavailable).
Between 2009 and 2010, there was a significant spike in anabolic steroid use. This spike was not repeated over the course of the next 5 years; however, there is a known population of users in the area. Of the total population in treatment, 27-30 % are addicted to crack-cocaine, and 16-19 % are addicted to benzodiazepines. Heroin use is on the rise, and it is responsible for the most drug related deaths. Whether or not these deaths may also include fentanyl is unknown. Most users are British males between 30 and 45 years of age; there is an increasing trend in older people (60+) who are seeking treatment in Somerset for a drug addiction.

In terms of alcohol use in North Somerset, it is estimated that 25,000 adults engage in binge drinking. Hospital related admissions for alcohol have increased, particularly in areas that are considered to be deprived and impoverished. There are approximately 4,669 adults in the area who consume alcohol at high-risk levels. Most are between 45 and 59, and are self employed or own their own business.
What Are Your Addiction Treatment Options in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset?
Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset rehab treatment is available through the NHS or private facilities. Which one you choose will largely depend on whether or not you can afford to pay for the cost of private treatment. There are many differences between the two, including:
- NHS treatment is free
- Private rehab in the UK starts at around £5500 for 28 days
- You can start a private programme immediately
- The NHS has a waiting time of 3-12 weeks
The NHS care is good; however, the quality of treatment you will receive depends on the area and it’s available resources. Not all NHS foundations are created equal. In terms of the quality of care you will receive at a private rehab in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset or elsewhere, it will likely be better than what you would get from the NHS, but again, you must take time to compare the programme.
Harm Reduction Services and Organisations in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset
Addiction Recovery Agency – Alcohol Misuse Service – A service for anyone over 18 with an addiction. One to one support, assessment, community detox, and onwards referral is available.
WithYou – North Somerset – A well known organisation that provides referral services, treatment, and advice.
Your Options Do Not Stop with Going to Rehab in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset or Nearby
If you are ready to take the first step towards sobriety, rehab will be the best option for you. In the event you are looking for a private rehab, your choices are broad and not limited to Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, England, or even the UK.
You can go to rehab abroad. In fact, many people prefer this because it is more affordable without compromising the quality of care. It is an opportunity to get out of your normal environment and get a fresh start without distractions or stressors.
Siam Rehab is one of the leading private rehabs centres abroad. Located in Thailand, our drug and alcohol rehab is known for its quality of care, 33 acre private property, and highly trained staff. To learn more about our addiction treatment centre, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset men and women can call Siam Rehab.