About Woking, Surrey Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Thankfully, there are options available to those in need of help. In Woking, Surrey drug and alcohol rehabs are available in the form of public and private facilities. If you or someone you know has an addiction to drugs or alcohol, there are facilities that can help you. Siam Rehab is one of these.

Based in Thailand, Siam Rehab is a drug and alcohol rehab that treats adults who are 18 years of age and older, and whose lives have been disrupted by addiction. Staffed by dedicated, experienced professionals, we have successfully helped a large number of people from the UK, including those living in Surrey. Whether you are just feeling the first effects of an addiction, or are distressed by failed attempts at recovery in the past, Siam Rehab would like to help you. We understand you are your own unique person and should receive personalised attention and treatment. When you come to our rehab, you will get the attention you need thanks to our one to one staff to patient ratio. Our counselors and therapists only take on a limited number of patients to ensure they can get to know each one and address your needs as they evolve through the recovery process. Let us help you to make your recovery personal and effective.

If you are living in Woking, Surrey, rehab at Siam Rehab can begin shortly after you make the call. To learn more about our alcohol and drug treatment centre in Chiang Rai, Thailand, call Siam Rehab now.

Drug and Alcohol Use in Woking, Surrey

In Surrey, there are significant concerns from officials about the surge in alcohol and drug use, as well as, their related consequences ranging from illnesses and death. Addressing substance related harm is a key priority in Surrey.

Data specific to Woking is unavailable; however, alcohol related hospital admissions continue to rise and at least one quarter of adults consume alcohol above the recommended levels. It is believed that at least 21,671 men and women are severely dependent on alcohol in Surrey. Of these, 1,400 were received some kind of structured treatment.

In terms of drug use, amphetamines, opiates, and crack cocaine are the drug of choice after cannabis. Prescription medications follow, as does ecstasy and new psychoactive substances; such as Spice. The number of drug users in Woking, and Surrey, as a whole is unknown. However, at risk populations have been identified and include young adults, people over the age of 85, the LGBT community, black and minority ethnics, gypsy, roma travellers, and people with complex needs. In Woking, drug related deaths are lower than the national average with 3.3 deaths per 100,000. Surrey a whole also has a lower than average drug related death rate.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Woking, Surrey

In Woking, Surrey, public and private rehab is available in the surrounding area. A private rehab in Woking will offer you more individualised care and comfort when compared to the free public healthcare. The cost of a 28 day rehab programme in Woking varies, but a standard price is between £5,500 and £13,000. If you do not have private insurance coverage for rehab, you will need to pay this out of pocket. For many people living in Woking, private rehab is not an option. If this is true for you, be sure to consider going abroad for treatment.

The NHS and charity organisations also provide addiction services in Woking and across Surrey. You will need a referral from your GP before you can begin an inpatient rehab programme. Bare in mind that being able to receive this type of treatment will depend on the severity of your addiction. If your GP believes it is “not severe”, you may be offered a community detox and outpatient treatment services. The waiting time in Surrey is around 3 weeks. This can be more or less depending on the demand for treatment.

Woking, Surrey Charities and Organisations for Addiction

There are several charities and organisations who offer a broad range of free services to men, women, children, and families struggling with an addiction. In Woking, these services are limited; thus, you may need to travel to Guildford or one of the nearby towns. I-Access Drug and Alcohol Service is the point of access for many people looking for help. Comprehensive assessments, counselling, group sessions, and information is available. Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care helpline available 24 hours a day. Those struggling with an addiction, as well as, concerned individuals can call the manned helpline for advice and treatment referral information. Catalyst is part of The Welcome Project and offers support, guidance, and activities to those with an addiction, emotional or mental disorders, and other health conditions.

Siam Rehab: An Alcohol and Drug Rehab for Woking, Surrey Families

Your recovery begins with the decision to get help. If you are ready to take this first step towards recovery, Siam Rehab invites you to call our Director to learn more about our cost affordable private rehab in Thailand. Rest assured your call is confidential and will allow you to speak with supportive staff who are ready to guide you through the recovery process. If you’re in Woking, Surrey, rehab is one phone call away; call +44 20 8638 6773.





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