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Our Articles: Addiction & Rehab
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The Dangers of Mixing Cocaine and Alcohol
Mixing cocaine and alcohol can be very dangerous, if not lethal. Read more to find out what happens to the brain when mixing these two substances.
3 Useful Tips for Battling Addiction during Holidays
For those who are struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction, finding reasons not to relapse or use can be difficult. Couple in the celebrations and parties, and…
Navigating Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Sydney
Are you looking for a drug and alcohol rehab in Sydney? Here are some services available as well as an overview of what the city is experiencing.
High Functioning Alcoholic
What are the signs of a High Functioning Alcoholic and how can you tell if someone is a closet drinker?
The Abuse and Addiction to Adderall in Colleges and the Workplace
If you have recently met anyone who has graduated from University in the last 5 years, ask him or her about Adderall. There’s a good chance that either…
What to do if Your Teen is Using Drugs
A parents worst nightmare is to find out their teen is using drugs and potentially on the road to becoming an addict. As a parent it is important…
Meditation for Addiction Recovery as a Treatment
Discover how practising meditation and mindfulness can help on the road to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction.
Drug Rehab Poem – From the Depths of Addiction to Serenity
The following drug rehab poem was written by a lady who came to us for help and now returns to her life as one of our friends and…
Commonly Abused CNS Depressants
If you’ve ever known someone (perhaps your own self) to have high anxiety or sleeping disorders, CNS depressant medications may have been prescribed to alleviate these issues. CNS…
What is Enabling
You’ve probably heard of the term “enabling” before, with respect to bad or undesirable behavior. But what does it mean to be enabling drug or alcohol abuse.
Xanax Addiction
What is Xanax, what are the effects of Xanax, and how does one go about beating a Xanax addiction?
Treatment Center for Addiction
Sometimes, it can be a struggle to make the choice to attend a treatment center for addiction. Realistically, if you are considering a rehab, you probably know that…

We’re Here to Help You Get Started on the Path to Recovery
Contact us for a confidential assessment of your needs or those of your loved ones, and for additional information on our program.
Contact us for a confidential assessment of your needs or those of your loved ones, and for additional information on our program. One of our directors responds to all phone calls and email.
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