Crystal Meth Addiction – Meth Rehab
With the numbers of people suffering with crystal meth addiction the centres around the world are getting better and better at treating individuals for this substance. As with most addictions there is a considerable amount of research showing that a persons best chance of breaking crystal meth addiction is through a period of time in a controlled environment, residential rehab followed long term aftercare.
Other common names for crystal meth and crystal meth addiction are:
- Methamphetamine
- Ice
- Crystal
- Crank
- Speed
- Yaba, in South east Asia ‘methamphetamine and caffeine combined’
- Shabu, In the Philippines
- Glass
- and a host of other names based on the location.
Since crystal meth can be manufactured in labs it makes it readily available anywhere in the world without the risk of drug smugglers having to take it across international border. This does still happen of course as we regularly read in the paper that a huge percentage of the methamphetamine is being produced in super labs in China and Mexico to cover the nearby markets, however it is not a necessity since it is readily manufactured in most countries.
Addiction can show numerous symptoms that vary widely from person to person, some are chronic even after a person has ceased using the drug
A list of possible symptoms of methamphetamine use:
Mood symptoms:
- Euphoria
- Overall sense of wellbeing
- Depression
- Anxiety
Behavioral symptoms:
- Mounting legal problems
- Preoccupation with obtaining, using, and recovering from methamphetamine use
- Social isolation
- Hiding drug use from others
- Dangerous, risky behaviors
- Impulsiveness
- Unexplained financial problems
- Mounting legal problems
- Incarceration
- Interpersonal relationship problems
- Violent behaviors
- Appetite depression
- Binge/crash pattern of abuse
- Aggression
- Risky sexual behaviors
- Tweaking – intently-focused attention
Physical symptoms:
- Trembling and shaking
- Nausea and vomiting
- Insomnia
- Tolerance
- Addiction
- “Meth mouth”
- Open sores
- Hair loss
- Loss of skin elasticity
- Decreased blood flow through the body’s tissues
- Vasoconstriction
- Tachycardia
- Liver damage
- Extreme rise in core temperature of body
Psychological symptoms:
- Nervousness
- Repetitive behaviors
- Disorganized thoughts
- Hallucinations
- “Meth bugs” or the sensation of bugs crawling underneath the skin
- Paranoia
Meth Rehab is generally needed to break the cycle of addiction as well as long term aftercare and support. The rehab centres in Thailand are very familiar with crystal meth addiction and treat a large number of westerner suffering evey year
How Does Methamphetamine Affect the Brain?
Methamphetamine increases the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine, leading to high levels of that chemical in the brain. Dopamine is involved in reward, motivation, the experience of pleasure, and motor function. Methamphetamine’s ability to release dopamine rapidly in reward regions of the brain produces the euphoric “rush” or “flash” that many users experience. Repeated methamphetamine use can easily lead to addiction—a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use. Drug Facts
If you are using crystal meth, even occasionally, you should seek some level of help. Methamphetamine can quickly take hold and a downward spiral of addiction is something best avoided if you can.
If you are suffering from Crystal Meth Addiction and would like information, contact Siam Rehab, we can help.