Australian’s are welcome at Siam Rehab Thailand, we are half the price of anything remotely equivalent in Australia or anywhere else.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cairns Overview
Most of the addiction treatment centres in Cairns and Australia as a whole have long waiting list or are unaffordable. If you need help NOW, think of Siam Rehab in Thailand. The largest majority of our clients come from Australia for treatment. We have a short, or no waiting list and are a fraction of the cost of a similar facility in Australia. Call now, we can help.
Cairns seems to be a city that has attracted some serious problems with drugs and alcohol. Not only is there an exceptionally large number of traffickers caught smuggling illicit substances but violent incidents related to drinking also seem to be common. There are obviously a large number of locals requiring assistance with battling addiction in both these areas. Fortunately, there are a number of choices for those looking for treatment and rehab.
Drug Consumption in Cairns
Thanks to its party scene, tourist crowds, and tropical weather, Cairns is a town with a heavy drug problem.
In fact, Cairns Post reports that around 120 new drugs have appeared there since June 2011. These substances are created to have the same effects as cocaine, amphetamines, and LSD yet are tweaked so as to skirt the law. They can pose extra dangers because users aren’t sure what they’re ingesting.
Trafficking is also quite common with the ABC News reporting on at least four incidents: A South Australian male was arrested at the airport with 10kg of cannabis, a former bikie supplied amphetamines and cannabis for nine months, a north Queensland man was caught trafficking cocaine, MDMA and steroids, and a Canadian woman was caught flying in with over 5.5kg of amphetamines.
According to an assessment by the Crime and Corruption Commission of Queensland, Cairns is one of the state’s most prevalent areas for cocaine activity.
The study also found a high occurrence of spinning (combining tobacco and cannabis) and bucket bongs.

Alcohol Use in the Cairns Area
When it comes to alcohol consumption, the Cairns Post writes that more than 25% of locals drink a risky level of booze, making it one of the state’s worst areas for alcoholism. In fact, 55% of those treated at the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS) in their Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Service (ATODS) were there because of excessive drinking.
With these high levels of consumption, violence is very common. In fact the National Drug Law Enforcement Fund reported that about 25% of all violent injuries treated at Cairns Base Hospital were linked with the Cairns late night entertainment district. In general, alcohol is connected with the majority of injuries occurring each night.
A number of measures have been implemented or proposed to limit the dangers of alcohol. For instance, Liquor Accord writes that the local council has taken a hard-line with local pubs and clubs. Those who commit an offence will be barred from all premises which have signed this agreement a move which has successfully reduced violent incidents. Gavin King, ex-member for Cairns, also talked with residents who wanted tougher penalties, ID scanners and greater safety features to combat this issue.
Rehab Options in the Cairns Region
The good news is that Cairns has a variety of government-funded treatment facilities for those suffering from addiction although, but as ABC News reports, some of these have experienced problems before.
Queensland Health also operates the Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team (DABIT), an initiative at Cairns Hospital, Gold Coast Hospital and Royal Brisbane Hospital. This service provides short-term interventions to those with drug and alcohol problems who haven’t received treatment. It is aimed at reducing substance dependence and providing relief to the staff there
Other Choices for Cairns Residents
These options don’t quite fit all demographics however, which leaves certain types of addicts at a loss of where to go. Private clinics are out because of their high costs, so the only choice is to go into rehab overseas in a country like Thailand. Here, living costs are low which means that the price-tag attached to these programs is very affordable.
Clinics such as Siam Rehab, which is found in Chiang Rai, Thailand, also offer a great deal of privacy. If you don’t want people in Cairns to learn about your fight with addiction, simply check into our first-class treatment centre. Flights can take as little as 12 hours with a stopover in Bangkok. To make things even easier, we will meet you at the airport and drive you straight to our drug rehab clinic.