More Treatment Options and Less Stigma Could Ease Australia’s Ice Epidemic
Ice Addiction in Australia has reached epidemic levels, causing immense damage to users, their families, and entire communities.
There is an urgent need for facilities that provide treatment and rehabilitation for ice addiction, and both law enforcement and health agencies are struggling to keep up with the demand for resources to address this crisis.

Ice Addiction in Australia the Devastating Impact on Australian Society
According to a report by The Guardian, ice has become the most widely-used illicit drug in Australia, surpassing all other hard drugs combined. The Commonwealth-funded task force, Cracks in the Ice, reveals that one in 75 Australians used methamphetamines in the past year (2019 Study), and 5.8 percent of Australians over the age of 14 have used the drug at some point in their lives. Ice is increasingly becoming the drug of choice for habitual meth users, with a 7 percent rise from 2016 to 2017 in those who reported it as their preferred drug.
The issue of ice addiction in Australia has extended to children as young as 13, who fall prey to intergenerational drug use. In remote areas of Australia where illegal drugs were once rare, methamphetamine use has skyrocketed, reaching 2.5 times the level found in large cities.
Rural Victoria exemplifies how ice has devastated communities, with Victoria police reporting just 135 ice possession busts a decade ago, a number which has since escalated to 6,000 in the past year. Relatives of addicts are fearful of leaving their homes, while those who attempt to establish treatment facilities in small towns receive hostility from residents who believe the presence of addicts will exacerbate the issue.
Furthermore, societal attitudes that stigmatize ice addiction pose a significant barrier to those seeking treatment in Australia. In addition to having to deal with overcrowded facilities, individuals with addiction must also contend with negative attitudes that label them as weak, lazy, and undeserving of empathy. Ice addicts in Australia can wait up to ten years to receive help, a period during which they struggle to function normally and put themselves and others at risk. A recent study conducted by SafeWorks Laboratories found that in 2017, 240,000 workers in Australia went to work while high on ice, some of whom were employed in safety-sensitive fields. Workers have reported smoking ice during breaks to stay alert, while attempting to conceal symptoms such as paranoia and a lack of concentration.
How Did We Get Here?
The ice epidemic in Australia can be traced back to a combination of domestic and international factors. The production of ice has become a globalized process, with most of the drug sourced from China where it is produced on a large scale and transported through the Asia-Pacific region.
Locally, ice is also manufactured in “clan labs” by criminal gangs, particularly motorcycle groups, and distributed to remote communities via the network of deserted roads called “ice highways“. This has had a particularly devastating impact on regional communities, which are experiencing higher rates of ice abuse than the national average.
Australia’s History of Methamphetamine Addiction
Methamphetamine has been in existence since 1893, and was initially used by German soldiers during World War II to stay alert and productive. In the 1950s and 1960s, pills containing methamphetamine were popular for weight loss and depression; however, due to its highly addictive nature, the substance is now a controlled drug in many countries. Currently, only one pharmaceutical drug containing methamphetamine, Desoxyn, is produced for treating ADHD and obesity.
Crystal meth, also known as ice, first appeared in the late 1970s. Because of its low production costs and ease of manufacturing, criminal organizations began to produce crystal meth in the 1980s, leading to a rise in production. However, meth labs pose a high risk of explosion due to the volatile nature of the chemicals involved in their production. Street meth is also highly dangerous for users as its purity and strength can vary greatly due to the uncontrolled manufacturing processes involved.
The Cruel Cycle of Meth Abuse
Methamphetamine is typically smoked using a pipe, but it can also be snorted, injected, or taken in pill form. The drug produces a quick rush followed by an intense high, but its effects fade within a few hours. Meth users may go on binges for up to 16 days until they no longer experience a high.
When users reach this point, they enter a state known as “tweaking.” Tweaking causes users to feel empty, lose their sense of self, and perceive things that aren’t real, such as bugs under their skin, leading to self-mutilation. This phase can last for days and often results in psychosis, sleeplessness, and aggression.
After tweaking, users crash and become immobile. They enter a deep sleep and wake up days later with a severe hangover. The exhaustion, dehydration, and need to relieve symptoms can lead to another meth binge.
Stopping leads to withdrawal symptoms, including intense cravings, inability to feel pleasure, and suicidal thoughts. These symptoms are agonizing, prompting many habitual users to relapse. Meth addiction is a vicious cycle characterized by painful episodes that fuel continued drug use.
Short- and Long-Term Effects of Meth Use
The physiological effects of meth use are numerous and can be severe. Meth users experience rapid heart rate, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, overheating, twitching, and dilated pupils. The drug provides an immediate rush, flooding the brain’s pleasure centers with dopamine and resulting in increased confidence, energy, and a sense of power. Some users feel intense euphoria, while others become emotionally detached.
A person on meth can become aggressive, argumentative, and paranoid, leading them to distance themselves from loved ones. Meth addiction can cause hallucinations, and most addicts lose touch with reality. The mid- to long-term effects of meth use are even more alarming.
Meth use can cause “meth sores,” rapid weight loss, tooth decay, erratic sleeping patterns, hygiene issues, and other personal care problems. Meth use exacerbates existing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and suicidal thoughts are common.
Long-term meth use causes visible aging and serious physical health issues such as brain, heart, and lung disease, damaged blood vessels, and permanent psychological impairment. Meth users are also at risk of contracting HIV and Hepatitis B or C due to risky behaviors associated with the drug.
Ice Addiction in Australia can lead to financial instability as addicts lose their jobs and resort to selling their possessions or even offering up their homes as meth labs, which are permanently inhabitable and could result in deadly explosions.
Ice Overdose is a Constant Concern
Meth overdose is a serious and potentially fatal risk for those who abuse the drug. Methamphetamine is produced using various materials by different suppliers, resulting in a variation in potency. This inconsistency in potency can make it difficult for users to determine the strength of their dose, leading to accidental overdoses. Heat stroke, which causes organ failure, is a common cause of death related to meth overdose. Heart attack, stroke, liver failure, and hemorrhage are also significant risks.
No pharmaceutical antidote is available for meth overdose, so immediate medical attention is necessary. If you suspect someone has overdosed on meth, call 911 immediately. Some common signs of an overdose include seizures, paranoia, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, agitation, and chest pain. Seeking emergency care without delay can save someone’s life.
How Can Ice Addiction be Effectively Treated?
Ice addiction is unfortunately accompanied by a great deal of stigma, making it even more difficult for those struggling with addiction to seek help. It is essential to raise public awareness and educate society on the realities of addiction and recovery. It is equally important for those suffering from addiction to know that seeking treatment is not a source of shame.
Addiction is a lonely experience, which is why inpatient treatment has been shown to be the most effective method for ice addicts. In an inpatient program, individuals can find a supportive community of peers who are also on the path to recovery, and discuss their experiences in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a proven treatment method for ice addiction. Through CBT, patients can learn to identify and replace negative thought patterns with positive behaviours and coping mechanisms, while also uncovering the underlying causes of their negative beliefs.
Getting the Help You Need
If your loved one is coping with an ice addiction, the most important thing you can do is encourage them to seek treatment. In some cases, you can consider arranging an assisted intervention. A counsellor can meet with your family and then speak with the addict, attempting to get them to agree to treatment. Regardless of the level of involvement you choose to have with your addicted loved one, it’s important that you take care of yourself and your family by consistently attending counselling. All too often, an addict’s inner circle becomes depleted in the process of dealing with the situation, which helps no one.
If you’re struggling with addiction and you’re ready to get help, Siam Rehab’s beautiful facility in Thailand offers a safe space where you can get back on the right track. We offer one-on-one and group counselling, mindfulness meditation and assisted detox, all in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment. Our amenities include a fitness centre, pools and nutritious, chef-cooked meals to nourish you back to health.
If you’re ready to take action to address your ice addiction, the first step is just a phone call away – contact us today to find out how we can help.