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Overview of the Effects of an Addiction to Oxycodone

Millions of people from all over the globe abuse oxycodone. In general, using will start from a prescription legally given by a doctor to ease pain from injuries or surgery. As a tolerance builds up, so too does the desire for more. Quite rapidly, this turns into a full on addiction which can wreck havoc in a person’s life.

As the strong painkiller becomes the preferable opioid in North America as well as Europe, the rise in overdoses, deaths and addiction is increasing. Just because this medicine is legal, it comes with a high rate of dependency; therefore it is crucial to understand what the effects of oxycodone abuse are and the treatment options available.

What is oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a painkiller which has been derived from morphine. As an opioid analgesic, it alters the way the brain responds to pain. However, it does not carry any anesthetic like effects. It is often in a tablet form and can be mixed with acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen. Depending on which medications are included with the oxycodone will depend on the actual variant. This medication also comes in a concentrated liquid form. As prescribed, it should be taken orally and only between strict periods of time (often 5-24 hours between every gap). When abused, it is not only swallowed, but also crushed and snorted or injected.

Street names for the drug continuously change and will vary depending on the given area. Currently, other names for oxycodone include oxy, oxy’s, cotton, oxy 80s, roxys or hillbilly heroin.

The primary reason for oxycodone abuse

People abuse a drug for their own personal reason; however, oxycodone may be the preferred choice specifically because of the easy availability. Doctor shopping is quite commonly implemented by users. In this case, the individual will go from doctor to doctor getting a new prescription each time. On the street, the drug is more affordable for addicts, hence why it is not uncommon for a heroin user to switch to oxy’s. In 2013, 81% of the worlds oxycodone prescriptions were handed out by doctors in the United States. The total number of prescriptions is not small and is estimated to be over 100 million.

The Physical and Psychological Effects of Abusing Oxys

Although meant to alleviate pain, some abusers of the drug may prefer it for its euphoric like effects. Overtime, as a person seeks out these sensations more and more, they will develop a tolerance. Addiction will follow. Once at this stage, the effects of an oxycodone addiction take hold. Typically, these are detrimental to the person as well as those around them. The signs and symptoms of an oxycodone addiction may vary; however some may include:

Physical symptoms:

  • Drowsiness/Sedation
  • Persistent itching
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slowed breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Cold sweating
  • Constricted pupils *overdose may cause dilated pupils

Psychological symptoms:

  • Euphoria followed by:
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Depression

Additional health problems can arise when oxycodone is taken with another opiate or medication which suppresses respiration. These include benzodiazepines and alcohol. The risk of overdosing, cardiac arrest or death is substantially high. When the drug is injected, infection and spreadable diseases like hepatitis and HIV can occur.

Through prolonged use, an abuser who has not sought the treatment of an oxycodone rehab could experience a severely damaged immune system, insomnia, sleep apnea, mood swings and respiratory or heart disorders. Job loss, school failure, financial woes, legal troubles or breakdown of relationships can also be a result of oxycodone abuse.

Addiction and Withdrawal

When oxycodone is used illicitly, the risks of addiction increase. This is very similar to alcohol and heroin because like the aforementioned, levels of dopamine increase in the brain. With prolonged use, the neurotransmitters are altered and the individual feels as if they cannot quit on their own and need the drug to “survive”. When a rehab program for oxycodone is sought, the individual will go through unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. These include nausea, anxiety, muscle aches, cold sweats, anger, depression and apathy.

Reaching out to an Oxycodone Rehab for Help

Sometimes counselling or outpatient rehabs are not enough to treat an addiction to oxycodone. The psychological and physical effects of oxycodone can be so intense that an inpatient rehab will be the most ideal in order to reach successful recovery. Support and guided attention will be provided 24/7 and will relieve any daily pressures which an individual often experiences. Therapy, counselling, consultations, evaluations and activity are all part of oxycodone addition programs.

Siam Rehab Center is an intensive, comprehensive program which utilizes the most up-to-date treatment methods. We don’t just treat the symptoms of the addiction, but rather focus on the core reasons for using. In the case an oxycodone addiction, this could be chronic pain, depression, boredom, mental health disorders or a combination of issues. Our professional staff will help each person to work through these obstacles and regain a balanced life. Through this we are able to treat the whole person, body and mind.

If you or someone you care about has an addiction to oxycodone and would like the support of a private rehab in Thailand, contact us today.

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